IKEA is the world’s largest furniture manufacturer, selling Scandinavian style home furnishing and other household goods. The IKEA product range focuses on good design and function at a low price; the basic thinking behind all products is that low prices make well-designed, functional home furnishing available to everyone.
IKEA is an acronym of 4 letters: IKEA where I and K stands for the name of the founder Ingvar Kampard, E stands for Elmtaryd the farm where he was born, A stands for Agunnaryd the village nearby. It has grown into a global brand since it was founded in 1943 with 298 stores in 26 countries. Germany and USA are its largest market after IKEA opened in 1975 in 1985 respectively. The IKEA currently has a range of approximately 9,500 products which are also printed in its catalogue. The catalogue itself has 212 million copies in 29 languages and 62 editions.
Highlights from 2012
- Total assets €44.8 billion
- Total sales increased to €27 billion, up 9.5% (7.1% adjusted for currency impact)
- 4.6% growth from existing stores, 2.5% from new stores (currency adjusted)
- Total net income €3.2 billion (8% increase)
- Opened 11 new stores in 9 countries
- 690 million visitors to IKEA stores
- Reduced average prices by 0.8%
- Renewable energy contributed 34% of total energy use by IKEA
- Donated €82 million to fund various projects.

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